The project consists of an ensemble of three outdoor sculptures in the mountains, near the ski area and hiking trails in the mountains of Flachau. The three pyramids are of the same shape but different in material: the first sculpture is made exclusively of snow, the second out of hay and snow, the last one consists exclusively of hay. The project traces the relationship between man and nature, the seasonal cycles and climate change within these cycles. On the one hand, we care about nature and want to preserve its diversity from its self-destructive tendencies, but at the same time, unnecessary interference can destroy its fragile balance. The project urges the audience to pay attention to the fragility of human life and form in comparison with the scale of natural processes, including the formation of mountain terrain and plateaus.
Through the contemporary fountain the theme of play is implied to extend outside the borders of the park. Its translucent form, association with lightness and air, and therefore its obvious temporality, juxtaposes with the traditional nature of the stone basin and bronze sculptures. It reminds us of both the inflatable pools and castles of our childhood. It is a colorful enlarged toy displayed in a public square. The water features and balloons invite both adults and children, like the fountains in the park, into the multisensory engagement with the installation, through light and colors, through mirroring, refractions of sunlight and appearances of rainbows. The water itself will become enjoyable both through its sound, the mist of the fountain and its cooling effects. We imagine a dreamy Sunday afternoon in Alameda Central to be filled with play and joy. This is a place where civic discourse can happen in a fun and imaginative manner.